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Download the application materials:

Step 1

Complete Step 1 form at  Please complete the form as soon as you can. Your early submission allows us to start planning interviews.
If you have any problems completing the form, please contact

Step 2

Complete Parts 1 – 3 of the application form. Upload each part, along with supporting documents, to a Google drive named “Firstname Lastname UWC application 2025 entry”, and share the drive with by 11.59pm Sunday 13 October 2024. Prinipal/Dean's reports must be submitted before 11.59pm on Monday 2 December 2024.

Ask your school principal or dean to complete Part 4 and either submit in a sealed envelope to our postal address below or send from their school email address to

If you do not have easy access to the internet, you may submit a hard copy application to either of the postal addresses below.

Please use a clear font or write clearly in black ink or black ballpoint pen.  Extra sheets may be used. 

Parts 1 (again) and 2 of this form are to be completed by the student.

Part 3 of this form is to be completed by the parent or guardian

Part 4 of this form is to be completed and sent separately in a sealed envelope to the postal address below by the student's school principal or dean.

Step 3

Short-listed candidates will be asked to upload their NCEA results to their application Google drive and share with, as soon as possible after results are sent out in January 2025.


National Finalists

National finalists will be required to provide extensive financial information to allow needs assessment. Forms will be provided to those candidates selected for national interviews. If you wish to see these forms in advance, please contact

National finalists may be required to participate in an interview with a National Committee-nominated psychologist before, during, or after national selection weekend. They will also need to supply a Medical Certificate of Fitness from their usual doctor, and complete a medical disclosure form.

Addresses for postal applications:

By post
The Secretary
United World Colleges (NZ)
P O Box 5087

Or by courier to:
The Secretary
United World Colleges (NZ)
4/226 Oriental Pde
Oriental Bar
Wellington 6011

First round interviews will be held in early December 2024.

Dates for national selections (February 2025) will be announced at the website

If you have specific commitments in February 2025, please let us know in your application: we will do our best, but cannot guarantee, to make alternative arrangements for you.

All selected students will also be required to attend an orientation weekend on a date between March and August 2025. Dates for orientation will be set after acceptance of nominations to best accommodate selected students’ other commitments. Orientation attendance is compulsory.

UWC Global Selection Programme

Another option for applying to UWC is the UWC Global Selection Programme which is available for students who:

  • do not need a scholarship to attend UWC
  • wish to have entry results 9-12 months before the beginning of the school year
  • are looking to attend a specific UWC school or college

Whichever route a candidate chooses, the application will be assessed against UWC's core selection criteria. Please note that a candidate may only submit one application per year to study the IB Diploma Programme at UWC. You may not apply through two different UWC national committees or through a UWC national committee and the UWC Global Selection Programme concurrently.