Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must:
- be New Zealand citizens who hold or are eligible to hold a New Zealand passport.
New Zealand residency is not sufficient, and scholarships cannot be confirmed until a New Zealand passport is obtained; and - have been resident in New Zealand (excluding short holidays) for the full school year prior to application, and will continue to be resident throughout the selection period; and
- have at least 75% of E and M grades for NCEA achievement standards; or be in their school’s top 5% in academics; and
- have turned 16 years old, but not yet turned 18, on 1 August 2025; and
- be available for interview in person for regional (online) and national interviews (in person) – candidates not available for interview in person will be disqualified; and
- be up to date with vaccinations, including booster vaccinations, or have evidence of medical dispensation, to the satisfaction of airlines and UWCs; and
- not have applied to UWC through any other National Committee, nor to the Global Selection Programme, nor by any other avenue for the same entry year.
UWC scholarships are primarily intended for students who will be in Year 12 in 2025, as the period of study abroad corresponds to Years 12 and 13 of the New Zealand education system. Year 13 students are welcome to apply, but should consider that they may have completed or almost completed university entrance requirements before the UWC academic year commences in August; and should be absolutely certain that they want to undertake two further years of secondary school. Year 11 students may apply if they are within the age range and have already completed NCEA level 1, although students and their parents should consider whether the student's emotional maturity will be sufficient to cope with two years far from home. A student who is unsuccessful in one year may reapply in a subsequent year, provided s/he is within the set age limit.